Sunday, September 21, 2008

SRT Day 3

This'll be short, because I'm tired and need to go to bed.

Today the morning involved practicing some of the techniques we'd learned, and some new instruction. To be sure we had the skills in place we placed ascenders, climbed about 10 feet, changed over to decenders while on rope and rapelled down to the ground all while blindfolded. After that we learned and practiced Munter hitches.

The main event of the day was the wild tree climb, where we could pick any tree and climb it. I picked a tall, dark, handsome but scraggly conifer near where we'd been practicing. I don't know if it had a name, but I called it Shah Rukh Kahn after Kate's favorite Bollywood star, who has those same qualities. I climbed SRK for 2 and a half hours, and he presented his share of problems, but it was a great climb (they all are).

So, it's all over, and I'm definitely a much better climber for it. I learned a lot, and am excited to keep honing my skills and getting up in more trees. I can't say enough good things about Tim, who is a great teacher and a very down-to-earth guy for someone who makes his living being off the earth.

The grove where we trained is used frequently during the tree-climbing season, so I'm hoping to come back and climb those beautiful trees, and meet some new ones.

The pictures are of "Pagoda" the Oak (taken during my SRK climb), and the three of us (Me, Dennis, and Tim) standing next to Pagoda's trunk.

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